What If We Killed All Mosquitoes Overnight?

July 07, 2024 - by Wildlife x Team
Mosquitoes are some of the most frustrating insects that exist. A wonderful summer night’s campfire fun can quickly be spoiled by the familiar sting and throbbing of yet another mosquito bite. These things are a menace. Some even seem to care less that you just put on a fresh layer of bug spray. I’ve personally watched in amazement as mosquitoes hover around my arm after I just sprayed ...
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Your home is your sanctuary, but it's not immune to invasion by unwanted guests. From rodents to insects and everything in between, various animals can find their way into your living space, posing threats to health, property, and peace of mind. In today's post, we'll cover the top 10 animals that infest your home and some small tips on what you can do to prevent it.
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Rodent infestations are often dismissed as minor nuisances, but the reality is far more serious. Beyond the sight of a scurrying mouse or the sound of tiny feet in the walls lies a host of dangers that can jeopardize both health and property. ​ In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into five alarming facts about the risks associated with rodent infestations and explore effective solutio...
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6 Common Basement Bugs and How to Get Rid of Them

September 05, 2022 - by David Clark
Do you know what kind of bugs and pests might be in your basement? Basements are common for bugs and other pests to live and breed since they are dark, moist, and often undisturbed. If you use your basement often, then you are less likely to have a problem with pests. However, if your basement is used for storage and you don't go down there often, it's the ideal spot for pests to set up shop...
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Summertime Backyard Safety for Kids and Pets

September 05, 2022 - by Natalie Jones
Summer brings many things such as warmer weather, blooming flowers and, unfortunately, unsuspecting safety hazards. To help ensure your backyard is safe for your children and pets this summer, Wildlife X Team presents some tips to protect your family from any hazards they may encounter with the changing season.
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Keeping your business clean, safe, and free of infestations is imperative if you want to remain compliant with health codes and ensure that your customers maintain their trust in you, so it’s important to get organized when it comes to certain tasks. Making scheduled maintenance a priority will help you and your team stay on top of regular cleaning chores while making repeated tasks like repl...
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Dolphin Attacks: More Common Than You Think

July 26, 2022 - by Wildlife x Team
Dolphins are seen as cute, smiley, family-friendly creatures that are socially intelligent and comparable to aquatic humans.  Dolphins can be viewed, played with, and ridden at many amusement parks around the world, and when properly trained, can be quite the magical experience to see.  However, dolphins possess a dark side that few know about. Underneath the innocent-looking smile of a...
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It's a well known fact that many people - maybe even you - have a phobia of snakes. Why is it that so many people desperately fear snakes, when they pose little threat to us in the modern world? The truth lies in our brains, and the way that our brains are programmed. Find out why 1 in 3 humans have a phobia of snakes, and why you can quickly identify snakes anywhere.
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How to Convert Your Garage Into a Fantasy Dream Office

May 19, 2022 - by Guest Author Cindy
Statisticians studying freelance job trends have determined that more than a quarter of Americans are now working from home. Maybe you've recently decided to become part of that group or have been earning a commute-free living for some time. Either way, as CBS News notes, you will have a more pleasant 9 to 5 if your home office matches your needs. Even if there are no spare rooms, your garage i...
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3 Weird Bat Facts You Might Not Want To Know

May 04, 2022 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that bats are the world’s only known flying mammal?  You may not have much experience with bags, but they’re much more common than you would imagine.  There are 1,100 species of bats in the world, 40 of which exist in the United States In today's post, we cover 3 very weird & strange bat facts that you might not even want to know...
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Why Animals Infest: The Search For a Superior Shelter

March 30, 2022 - by Wildlife x Team
There are many reasons that animals & pests may look to infest your home. When the positive benefits outweigh the downsides to getting caught by you, it becomes a no-brainer to take over your home.  Wildlife & pest infestation is great for the creatures, but can lead to great damages to you & your health, your home, your family, and even your pets.  The longer a pest infestation goes on...
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You Won't Believe These Animals Exist

February 02, 2022 - by Wildlife x Team
Nature is full of surprises.  Life on Earth has adapted to diverse environments in all sorts of bizarre and sometimes mind-boggling ways.  In today’s post, we will delve into 5 animals that have abilities so strange you not even be able to imagine it! 
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5 Ways To Prevent & Manage an Ant Infestation

December 31, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Ants are everywhere. They can be found on every continent besides Antarctica, and their little size and secret colonies can create quite the surprise when a seemingly infinite amount of little buggers start popping up all over your home.  Ant infestation can be frustrating and difficult to manage, especially because you can't just kill the ants and be done with it. You may squash a dozen, a...
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5 Ways To Protect Your Garden From Pest & Disease

December 24, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Pesky insect and animal invaders can wreak havoc on what was once a beautiful, abundant garden.  Protecting your garden from animal and pest infestation is critical to maintaining its beauty and ensuring the maximum abundance to be harvested from it.  Without proper prevention and management, animals and pests can quickly take over your garden for their own purposes, at your detriment....
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The 10 Deadliest Animals in America

December 10, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Animals injure millions of people around the world every single year, and hundreds in America alone will lose their lives as a result of wild animal attacks.  In today’s post, we’ll be sharing a brief summary of Dr. Joseph Forrester & Colleagues summary and analysis of the CDC’s animal-related fatality statistics from 1999 to 2007.  The official paper is titled “Fatalities From ...
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These 5 Animals Have Superpowers

December 07, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Nature is full of surprises.  Life on Earth has adapted to diverse environments in all sorts of bizarre and sometimes mind-boggling ways.  In today’s post, we will delve into 5 animals with "superpowers" & abilities that we are sure will amaze you. 
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Mice, squirrels, raccoons, birds, and other types of wildlife may be fun to observe when they’re in their natural habitats — but no new homeowner wants to find them in their attic, basement, garage, or anywhere else in their home. As such, it’s important to conduct a professional pest inspection as part of the homebuying process — even if you’re already paying for a home inspection. R...
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The Full Life Cycle of a Raccoon

November 22, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Raccoons in the wild have a very short lifespan of about 3 years. The most they could probably live is 4-5 years if they're very healthy and in good circumstances. In safe, artificial environments, they can live upwards of 20 entire years! However, it's not ethical to try to tame a wild raccoon, and usually illegal to do so. This is the life cycle of your typical wild raccoon.
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This Single Pest Can Destroy an Entire Ecosystem.

October 29, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
There is one single pest species that has caused so much damage to wildlife in California that some experts have likened this single species as damaging to wildlife as an Earthquake or Wildfire - a huge claim for a region that has dealt with severe wildfires in recent years. 
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Home Safety Tips for a Secure and Healthy Home

October 29, 2021 - by Guest Author Cindy
While many of us think of home as a place of comfort and safety, most preventable injuries occur at home. The good news is that there are many steps you can take to mitigate the hazards that may exist under your roof. For example, you can hire a wildlife and pest removal company like Wildlife X Team to keep nuisance pests and animals from damaging your property and spreading disease! Let’...
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Your Dog Wants You To Understand This

October 22, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
We love our dogs, but sometimes they’re a little weird. Even some of the cutest things they do might leave you wondering, “What was that about?”  After generations of domestication, dogs still hold onto some of their instinctive behaviors, even if they don’t make much sense in the modern world. And we love them for it!  In today’s post, we’ll explore some common cute behavio...
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Things You Didn't Know About Bats

October 15, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that bats are the world’s only known flying mammal?  You may not have much experience with bags, but they’re much more common than you would imagine.  There are 1,100 species of bats in the world, 40 of which exist in the United States alone.  They’re small in physical size, but have a huge print on the world - bats make up one quarter of the world’s mammals!  ...
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Keep Skunks Away Once & For All

October 11, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
It's a good idea to keep skunks away from your home and yard. Skunks can create holes in your yard, burn your skin, cause temporary blindness, and make your pets sick. These cute-looking nocturnal creatures pack quite the punch if they feel threatened. Not to mention, their potent smell is hard to get out!  The best strategy with skunks is to prevent the damage long before it happens. Tha...
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When someone calls you a “birdbrain,” you instantly know what they mean.  But are birds really as stupid as people think?  While it’s true that many bird species are rather unintelligent, several studies have shown remarkable intelligence in some of the most common birds you might see.  For example, some studies suggest that crows possess nearly as much intelligence as a 7 yea...
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Why Raccoons Are The Perfect Urban Pests

September 23, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Among all of the wild animals that could infest your home raccoons are probably some of the worst frequent offenders.  It’s not uncommon for a Wildlife specialist to respond to a pest call only to realize that an entire family of raccoons were living in a secret hole somewhere in the house or in the attic!  Raccoons have unique abilities that other wild animals don’t have that make ...
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7 Most Terrifying Spiders

September 17, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
We compiled 7 super scary, large, and dangerous spiders for today's video called 7 terrifying spiders! The spiders were analyzed based on their feeding behavior, size, and other patterns. For example, one of the spiders on this last is so large and powerful it can actually eat birds! Other spiders have extremely potent venom, knocking out small animals almost instantly so they can devou...
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The Great Emu War

September 09, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Following World War I, a large number of Australian World War I veterans were given land from the government to take up farming in Western Australia. However, the Great Depression in 1929 came too soon and made life difficult for these settlers. To make matters more difficult, an estimated 20,000 Emus showed up after migrating from mating season, and began raiding the farmer’s crops f...
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The Deadliest Animal in America is Deer. Why?

September 03, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
The deadliest animal in America costs Americans nearly a billion dollars worth of damages every single year. About 200 Americans die from unsuspecting attacks, with many more sustaining injuries. What is the deadliest animal in America, and what makes it so dangerous? The answer might surprise you...
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Deadliest Animal in Each Continent

August 27, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
The 7 continents that make up Earth are vast and diverse in wildlife, culture, and climate.  The biggest threat you are to come across in Africa is very different to the largest threat in North America or Australia.  In today’s post, we’re going to share with you what we believe to be the deadliest creature of each continent and why. 
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How To See The Stars Like a Pro

August 20, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Star-gazing. An ancient human tradition that never ceases to amaze those with the opportunity to do it. Marveling at the universe is a magical, bonding experience between friends & nature. In today's post, we will be going over 9 practical tips to make the most of your star-gazing. 
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Which Animal is Deadliest To Humans?

August 13, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Nature is full of surprises- creatures big and small that possess the ability to end a human life.  Some, such as tigers or bears, are obvious, large mammals that even little children fear naturally.  Others are small, little creatures that pack a small yet powerful bite filled with venom ready to poison you.  This begs the question: which creature is the deadliest of them all? Whic...
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How To Protect Your Garden From Pests

August 06, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Pesky insect and animal invaders can wreak havoc on what was once a beautiful, abundant garden. Protecting your garden from animal and pest infestation is critical to maintaining its beauty and ensuring the maximum abundance to be harvested from it. Without proper prevention and management, animals and pests can quickly take over your garden for their own purposes, at your detriment. ...
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Here's Why Insects Evolve Faster

July 30, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Insects. These creepy crawlies come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. From the long centipedes to killer Asian hornets, and massive spiders to little ants, there is sure to be one insect that particularly “eeks” you more than the rest, if not all of them. As brainless as these creepy crawlies are, they do have one special ability that sets them apart from all other creatures on Eart...
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Mosquitoes Evolved For Your Human Blood

July 22, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Believe it or not, some species of mosquitoes actually evolved to suck human blood and survive off of us! If it weren’t for the growth of humans and our urban paradises, mosquitoes may not have had the ability to grow and expand as much as they have with us. Mosquitoes are getting faster, smarter, and better at biting us humans with every decade that passes by. In today’s post, ...
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Where Do Animals Infest?

July 16, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Wild animals are searching for the best places to hide out in order to escape the weather, predators, and mate with each other.  In the wild this can take place inside of trees, by building a small structure, or by digging underground.  However, in our modern jungles some wild animals have discovered how to infest our homes and properties, for their gain and to our detriment through pro...
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Why Animals Attack

July 09, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Whether out in the wild or on the city streets, animal attacks happen every single day to all kinds of people.  Some attacks leave not even a scratch, whereas other attacks from larger animals in a rather aggressive mood can be dangerous and deadly to us.  This begs the question then: why exactly do animals attack us?  In today’s post, we’re going to break down the 3 main reaso...
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Here's Why Spiders Are Awesome

July 02, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Many people have a fear of spiders. Arachnophobia, or an intense fear of spiders, affects 3.5-6.1% of the global population! At the low estimate that means over 268 million people have an intense fear of spiders. The rest of us may not have arachnophobia, but many people are generally creeped out by spiders. Despite their creepy presentation, spiders are actually amazing for both humans a...
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How Hawks Attack

June 25, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Hawks are fierce, large predator birds that prey on smaller animals.  Unlike other birds that like to eat berries and insects, they will eat nearly any small mammal that they can including other birds!  They’ll even eat lizards, frogs, or snakes if they’re feeling particularly hungry!  In today’s post, we’ll be sharing with you how exactly hawks identify, attack, and get the...
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How To Survive a Raccoon Attack

June 18, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Raccoons can appear like cute little bandits, but they also can transmit rabies and leave some nasty wounds. Despite being relatively small creatures, they are not afraid to fight if they feel they are backed into a corner. They can cause substantial damage to your pet cat or dog. This is what you should do if you are ever attacked by a raccoon, and how to protect your pet.
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The American Bison - otherwise known as Buffalo - are powerful, majestic, huge mammals that roam the plains of North America.  They are the National Mammal of the United States, and also the largest mammal on the continent.  At one point in recent history, the Great American Bison stood at the brink of extinction. How they managed to make a come-back is an incredible story. 
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5 Facts About Bald Eagles You Didn't Know Before

June 02, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Bald eagles are incredible birds that can be found in North America. Among the animal kingdom they are feared predators, being some of the most powerful birds America has to offer. In today’s post, we’re going to cover some fascinating fun facts about bald eagles that you may not have known before!  For example, did you know that one of the most famous founding fathers was against us...
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5 Iconic American Animals

May 13, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
The United States of America is home to unique wildlife that can’t be found anywhere else in the world.  From the hot deserts in Arizona to the bustling city life of New York, beaches in California and forests in the Pacific Northwest, the United States of America is filled with diverse wildlife, climates, and experiences.  In today’s post, we’ll be sharing with you 5 of America...
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How To Get Rid of Skunk Spray (Updated 2021)

May 05, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Skunk spray is notorious for being a terrible, persistent smell that doesn’t easily go away.  There are many myths about how to get rid of skunk spray, and the job isn’t easy.  In today’s post, we’ll be sharing with you how to get rid of skunk spray once and for all so that you’re prepared if you get “skunked on,” or you know what to do if you’ve already been sprayed.
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What Is the Meaning Behind These Cute Dog Behaviors?

April 23, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
We love our dogs, but sometimes they’re a little weird. Even some of the cutest things they do might leave you wondering, “What was that about?”  After generations of domestication, dogs still hold onto some of their instinctive behaviors, even if they don’t make much sense in the modern world. And we love them for it!  In today’s post, we’ll explore some common cute behavio...
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5 Tips for How to Get Rid of Rats for Good

April 19, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Rats are some of the most common pests that infest people’s homes and businesses. If you live in a large city, they may seem unavoidable!  While it’s true that rats have become very well adapted to urban and suburban environments, there are still plenty of reliable ways to get rid of them.  In today’s post, we will go over 5 helpful tips for how to get rid of rats for good. 
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The Top 3 Raccoon Stories That Made Headlines

April 15, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Raccoons are unique creatures. They are so well adapted to our living spaces that they often remind us of ourselves.  Whether they are grasping for objects with their human-like hands, or washing their food before they eat, we sometimes forget how much of a nuisance they can be!  So when raccoons start behaving out of the ordinary, we all notice.  In today’s post, we will discuss ...
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3 Animals That Reproduce Through Cloning!

April 12, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
We may be decades away from perfecting human cloning, but several animal species seem to have figured it out already!  In today’s post, we will go over 3 animals who can reproduce without a mate! 
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3 Common Animal Myths: Debunked

March 22, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Last week, we discussed the science behind some fun facts about animals. But every so often, we hear a piece of trivia that isn’t quite true.  Sometimes the popular perception of an animal is based on a misconception.  In today’s post, we will explore three common myths about the animal kingdom, and we’ll explain what’s really going on. 
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The Science Behind 5 Well-Known Animal Facts

March 16, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
You can find all sorts of fun facts and trivia about animals on the internet. But we’re often left without a real explanation.  Why do deer freeze in the headlights? Why doesn’t a duck’s quack produce an echo? Why does the color red seem to enrage bulls?  These are the types of questions that we will explore in today’s post.
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When someone calls you a “birdbrain,” you instantly know what they mean.  But are birds really as stupid as people think?  While it’s true that many bird species are rather unintelligent, several studies have shown remarkable intelligence in some of the most common birds you might see.  In today’s post, we will discuss 3 ways that crows are vastly more intelligent than you m...
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Squirrels live all over the world, in every continent except Australia. Just about everyone is familiar with these cute little creatures, but they have an interesting history and amazing abilities that most people don’t know about. In today’s post, we will discuss 4 unique squirrel facts you probably didn’t know.
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Cats are odd animals. Sometimes they seem apathetic towards us, and sometimes they are affectionate, but when their predator instincts take over, they transform entirely. In today’s post, we’ll be exploring how cats can simultaneously be ruthless hunters and mainstays in our homes.
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We often assume certain animals have poor memory skills. If anyone has accused you of "having the memory of a goldfish,” you instantly recognize it’s not a compliment.  But while some animals retain about as much as you’d expect, other animals’ memory skills may surprise you.  In today’s post, we’ll be exploring how the memory skills compare between our closest genetic relat...
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5 Animals With Insane Superpowers

February 15, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Nature is full of surprises.  Life on Earth has adapted to diverse environments in all sorts of bizarre and sometimes mind-boggling ways.  In today’s post, we will delve into 5 animals with superpowers you won’t believe. 
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Bees vs. Wasps: Who's the Bigger Threat?

February 08, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Bees and wasps are some of the most common insects that people want to get rid of, and for a good reason.  These stinging pests share a lot of traits in common, but bees and wasps are more different than you may realize.  In today’s post, we will go over 2 key differences and 1 important similarity between bees and wasps, and which one of them is more dangerous to you and your family. 
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Bats Are Even Stranger Than You Think

January 25, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
While a few mammal species can glide through the air using a skin flap between their limbs, bats are the only mammals in the Earth's history who can actually fly.  Even in the prehistoric era, we have no evidence of other flying mammals ever existing (note: birds are NOT considered mammals).  In today’s post, we’ll be sharing some unique facts about bats and their history on Earth. 
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Raccoons are often compared to bandits due to the way they forage through your property for food. But there’s more to these masked marauders than meets the eye.  Raccoons have many unique abilities that make them formidable pests, and quite a hassle to get rid of.  In today’s post, we’ll be sharing seven of these abilities so you are more aware of these furry masterminds and their...
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Cows are 20x Deadlier Than Sharks

January 08, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that cows are actually much deadlier than sharks? In fact, every year 20x more people die from cows than do sharks in the United States! In today's post, we're going to share with you why cows are more deadly than sharks...
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Why Does Catnip Make Cats Go Crazy?

January 05, 2021 - by Wildlife x Team
Catnip is well known for making cats act strange and out of order. However, why exactly is that? In today's post, we'll be covering why catnip makes cats go crazy and more.
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How To Keep Skunks Away For Good!

December 23, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Skunks are cute little rodents famous for the disaster they release known as "skunk spray." Just a little bit of skunk spray is all it takes for your home to have a near-permanent bad odor, and ​​in some cases even cause temporarily blindness if it sprays right in your face! Skunks may be attracted to your home as a potential shelter, or for scavenging for food. For example, if ...
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Here's How To Tell if a Raccoon is Rabid

December 18, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Rabies is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain in mammals, including humans.  ​​It is a highly lethal disease; death usually follows within hours of the first symptoms appearing.  Every single year around 55,000 people die as a result of contracting rabies. Rabies is primarily contracted via a bite from a rabid animal, such as a rabid raccoon.  In today's post,...
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Animals injure millions of people around the world every single year, and hundreds in America alone will lose their lives as a result of wild animal attacks. In today’s post, we’ll be sharing a brief summary of Dr. Joseph Forrester & Colleagues summary and analysis of the CDC’s animal-related fatality statistics from 1999 to 2007.
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Why Dogs Cause Moose To Attack Humans

December 04, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that the presence of dogs often cause moose to attack humans, and deadly moose attacks occur more frequently than deadly bear attacks? Here is everything you need to know to protect yourself from moose attacks and why dogs cause moose to attack humans.
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Most people are afraid of bears, but even more dangerous in Northern regions are Moose.  While moose aren’t necessarily deadlier in behavior than bears, moose populations outnumber bear populations greatly, so you’re much more likely to have an encounter with a moose.  In Alaska, moose outnumber bears 3 to 1, and they injure around 5-10 people annually.  That’s more than grizz...
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How To Escape & Survive an Alligator Attack

November 22, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Alligator attacks aren’t too common, but the threat of an attack is still real and absolutely terrifying.  With 80 teeth and a bite force of 3,000 pounds per square inch, it’s best to avoid getting between the jaws of an alligator as best as possible.  To make matters worse, alligators can swim at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour, whereas top Olympic athlete Michael Phelps can sw...
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What To Do If a Wild Animal Attacks Your Pet Dog or Cat

November 13, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Going for a walk with your dog and enjoying the great outdoors is fun, but not when a wild animal comes to get in a fight with it!  If a wild animal gets in a fight with your cat or dog, it can be very dangerous for your pet.  It’s important to know what to do in this situation prior to it happening, or if the fight has already happened what to do next.  This is exactly what you s...
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As temperatures begin to cool down, we will need to spend more time inside our warm, comfy homes, and away from the below-freezing temperatures and snow-storms outside. Wild animals are also searching for a hideout advantage in Winter, and their focus may be your home! Normally wild animals & pests have their own unique methods of survival. Animals & insects will burrow underground, liv...
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Unique & Rare Raccoons Facts - Part II

November 01, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that raccoons have lived in the White House, have some of the most dexterous hands in nature, and have their black masks to help them see in the dark?  In our previous video about raccoons, we covered some of the more unique and rare facts that aren’t as well known about raccoons.  For example, one of the former Presidents of the United States owned a pet raccoon (watch t...
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Raccoons are fascinating, cute, and curious little bandits that have thrived in our modern cities. Did you know that a raccoon once lived in the White House with a president and frequently avoided capture by the secret service?
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Squirrels, lizards, and pigeons have been detailed by Iranian military officials and police over the years, claimed to have been used as spies to collect information on the Iranian government and Nuclear programs. Are these claims legit, or are these claims false? What about other creatures, such as dolphins - can they be used for spying on other nations and for military purposes? The ...
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10 Unique Squirrel Facts You Didn't Know before

October 13, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Squirrels can be found in parks all across America, and they are cute, little creatures often seen day to day in suburban life.  These creatures have a lot more than meets the eye though - for that reason we will now be sharing 10 unique squirrel facts which you may have not heard before! 
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Tardigrades, otherwise known as “water bears,” are fascinating microscopic creatures that have the power to survive almost anything - including the harsh environment of outer space.  In fact, a ton of them may have accidentally been spread all over the Moon, leading to potential contamination!  Just before midnight on April 11, 2019 an Israeli Lunar Lander crashed on the Moon holdin...
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10 Animals Sent to Space & Their Exciting Adventures

September 25, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Many of us have heard of the first humans that were in Space and on the Moon, but what about the first animals that were sent to Space and the exciting adventures they had? Several wild animals from the common housefly to dogs to monkeys to tortoises & frogs have been sent to Space! In today's post, we'll be sharing with you 10 animals that were sent to space and what their adventures were.
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7 Fascinating Facts about Alligators

September 17, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
American Alligators are fascinating and terrifying creatures that can primarily be found in the Southeastern American states and especially Florida. In today's post learn about 7 fascinating facts about alligators + more!
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There is a single pest that is causing so much damage in California and Louisiana that some experts have likened their damage to be equivalent to that of a wildfire or earthquake! This animal is the "coypu," otherwise known as "nutria." Read the post to find the true extent of the damage that they are causing (hint: it's enough to be seen by satellite photography).
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What is the International Nuclear Event Scale, and just how bad was the Chernobyl incident? The International Nuclear Event Scale helps to categorize the severity of a nuclear accident.
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How To Prevent Bird Infestation

August 28, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Many types of birds have thrived in our urban cities because they can find increased protection as well as easy food sources. Learn what causes bird infestation, how to ethically prevent it, and more about birds!
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How Spiders Help Humans

August 21, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Spiders are naturally a bit creepy, and many humans have a fear of spiders. However, they may not be so bad for us... While they may scare you, they are rarely a threat to us humans, and in fact serve us in many ways. Learn more about the fascinating ways that spiders are actually beneficial for humanity!
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33% of Humans Afraid of Snakes: Why?

August 14, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
It's a well known fact that many people - maybe even you - have a phobia of snakes. Why is it that so many people desperately fear snakes, when they pose little threat to us in the modern world? The truth lies in our brains, and the way that our brains are programmed. Find out why 1 in 3 humans have a phobia of snakes, and why you can quickly identify snakes anywhere.
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The Vietnam War conflict was horrifying for both sides and the civilians trapped in the crossfire. Most have heard of the horrors from the war, but few truly understand the difficulties soldiers faced when dealing with Mother Nature. Oppressive heat, difficult terrain, mosquitoes, disease, and even predators like the tiger led to the deaths of thousands of soldiers. Learn a scary man-eating Tig...
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How The Assassin Bug Got Its Name

July 31, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Imagine a bug so terrifying that it drinks the insides of insects & animals alike, can paralyze a victim in under a second, and can camouflage itself using the remains of other insects. That would be the assassin bug, and it is a very real bug that lives up to its name.
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Home-owners have a ton of expenses to keep up with, but this shocking thing which most don't do ends up costing Americans ridiculous amounts of money in losses.
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Just How Smart are Raccoons Exactly?

July 17, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Most people don't expect those sneaky bandits to be that intelligent... But much to our surprise, raccoons are actually quite intelligent. Raccoons rank higher in intelligence than cats & dogs, and are right under monkeys. They have a lot of creativity when it comes to problem-solving. This accompanied with their endless persistence & determination leads to them being quite the fascinating anim...
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The True Dangers of Animal Infestation

July 10, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Animal infestation is not uncommon, especially as animals prepare for the Winter months during Summer & Fall.  They love our homes for the same reasons we do- protection, privacy, and security!  Animals frequently infest people’s attics, get under the foundation, between the walls, and other sneaky places that people aren’t aware of.  Left untreated, animal infestation can end u...
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Can Animals Develop a Taste for Human Blood?

July 03, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Some animal predators (ie. Leopards in Nepal) exhibit a pattern of hunting humans akin to that of a serial killer.  It’s been well documented all around the world that when a wild animal kills a human, it often goes on a rampage - not just ending with one human life, but many.  In some shocking cases that we may cover in future content, animals have killed hundreds of humans in thei...
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The 3 Reasons Animals Attack

June 26, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
No one wants to be eaten alive by a random creature alone in the wild, nonetheless even receive a bite from an angry raccoon.  Animal attacks happen all of the time, ranging in severity. In extreme cases, people are eaten alive. In most cases, a few bites or scratches are received.  What most people don’t know is that there are 3 primary reasons that animals attack. If you understand ...
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Animals That Served in the Military

June 22, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
For as long as war has existed, humans have been searching for ways to get an advantage over the opponent.  Today’s modern tricks include tech & gadgets, but that wasn’t always the case.  All kinds of wild animals have been tamed solely for the purpose of serving in battle with us! In fact, some of the creatures on this list are even in service today.  What might come as a furth...
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Dolphins are Bullies: 7 Shocking Reasons Why

June 12, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
We can’t deny just how adorable dolphins are- they are magnificent creatures, and capable of doing great things.  Their brains are quite evolved, and dolphins are thought by some to be the second-smartest creatures on Earth, right under us humans (yes, even more-so than apes).  It is believed possible that in the next million years, dolphin brains could evolve to be as intelligent as ...
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5 Animals That Also Drink

June 06, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Many people believe that we humans are the only walking creatures with an unquenched desire to experience altered states of consciousness, but that simply isn’t true. In fact, some scientists have suggested that early humans learned by watching other animals consume which led us to discover such ways to “get high and drunk.” Contrary to such belief, there are dozens of animals tha...
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Why Does Rabies Cause Crazy?

May 31, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
While a zombie-causing virus doesn’t exist, if we had to pick one virus that came close, it would probably be the rabies virus. Everyone associates the rabies virus with a “crazed” animal, and for good reason. Wild animals such as raccoons, foxes, and even our own pets can exhibit extremely odd & aggressive behavior after being infected with rabies. Animals typically foam at th...
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What is a Disease Vector?

May 23, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Disease vectors or disease vector species are something that you may have heard about when referencing various infectious pathogens, such as malaria.  In our line of work at Wildlife x Team International, we must be aware and updated on what creatures are disease vector species, and how to handle them for ours and our clients’ safety.  In today’s post, we’ll be sharing with you wh...
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How Does Evolution Work?

May 16, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
How does evolution work? Why is it that some types of creatures can evolve faster than others? In today's fascinating post, we'll be covering just how evolution works, and what it means for you and me!
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How Ants Handle Pandemics

May 08, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that ants can and do catch deadly pathogens, leading to epidemics within (and sometimes spreading to other) each colony?  Ants are quite social creatures, in many ways just like us humans. They each have roles, live in close quarters, and constantly are brushing up on one another.  Deadly pathogens love social creatures because through them they can spread to more creatures...
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According to the CDC, the average number of deaths from December, January, and February range from 8,300-8,450, whereas the average number of deaths from June, July, and August are around 7,150-7,298. It is undeniable that more people die in Winter than the Summer, and that the transmission of the “flu” virus is significantly more common… But why is that? It has long been thought ...
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Top 10 Facts - Insects

April 24, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Insects are everywhere, and with the temperatures warming up, we can only expect to see more of them in the coming months.  In today's post, we cover 10 of the most fascinating insect facts you probably never heard of. What's your favorite?
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The pathogens that mosquitoes among other insects spread cause hundreds of thousands of deaths every year among hundreds of millions of cases of severe illness.  How is it that these creatures are able to spread diseases so effectively? And how did viruses evolve to use insects for that purpose? 
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Can Mosquitoes Spread Viruses?

April 10, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Can mosquitoes spread deadly viruses, diseases, and pathogens? What about other insects?
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Covid 19: The Missing Link

April 06, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
With more than 1.2 million cases worldwide, Coronavirus (more formally known as Covid-19) has swept over the world, overwhelming the hospital systems of some nations!  Covid 19 was first identified in Wuhan, China, and sometimes has been referred to as "Chinese Virus."  While the answer to the question "where did coronavirus come from" might seem obvious (Wuhan), the truth is a bit mo...
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Are Viruses Alive?

March 20, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Viruses such as the Coronavirus are fascinating and mysterious not only by how they’re so quickly able to spread across the world and cause pandemics, but by their nature of existence: Scientists can’t agree on whether viruses are alive… Or dead. While it may seem to most that viruses should be considered “living,” classifying the little bugs as such would challenge our notion...
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What's it like to work at Wildlife x Team International on a daily basis? What value do we provide to our clients? In this exclusive Wildlife x Team International interview, you'll learn just that!
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7 Ways To Prevent Coronavirus from Spreading NOW

March 13, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
The spread of Coronavirus across the world has inspired fear & panic among countless people worldwide. While the majority of cases are contained in China, Coronavirus quickly continent-hopped over to Europe, creating a massive problem in Italy. The Coronavirus attack on Italy has led to nearby nations such as Germany, France, and Spain to experience sudden outbreaks as well. Thousan...
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How did Jerry go from living in Uzbekistan to a business owner here at Wildlife x Team in Texas? Learn about Jerry's adventure, and how he helps homeowners improve their lives, here at Wildlife x Team Internatinoal.
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Where Do Viruses Come From?

February 29, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Fear of the Novel Coronavirus has spread across the world, as thousands have died worldwide, and the virus has now made its way out of China and into North America, Europe, and Australia.  Governments are taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of this highly infectious disease, however, the question must be asked: where did it come from?  In fact, where do most viruses com...
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Raccoons are Taking Over Germany & Europe!

February 21, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
It was a typical day for a retired man in Harleshausen- a suburb near the German City of Kassel.  He was going about his day tending to some housework, when suddenly a masked creature jumped out of nowhere and bit his hand.  The creature wouldn’t let go, and he tried to shake it off. When he finally managed to punch the creature away, it rushed back and bit his foot.  The whole en...
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How Deadly is Coronavirus?

February 14, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Fear is setting all around the world as talk about the new CoronaVirus from Wuhan, China dominates the media.  The United States government is now quarantining anyone that enters the USA from the Wuhan area for a minimum period of 14 days.  With so much fear about the CoronaVirus, how deadly is it actually, and what is the threat to you? 
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What is CoronaVirus?

February 11, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
CoronaVirus has currently infected tens of thousands of people around the world, with the total death toll now in the thousands.  It began in Wuhan, China and has quickly spread fear around the globe. Nations in Southeast Asia are now taking precautions, and the United States is quarantining anyone that attempts to enter the USA from the Wuhan region for a minimum of 14 days.  With ever...
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How Does Radiation Affect Wild Animals?

January 31, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
The Chernobyl incident has released radiation to all kinds of wildlife, animals, and insects in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. This has caused animals and humans to be exposed to very high levels of radiation. How does high levels of radiation affect wild animals, insects, and humans? In today's post we explore how radiation can affect nature, humans, wildlife, animals, and insects t...
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Raccoons Special Abilities

January 24, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Raccoons have thrived in urban environments, and this is because raccoons have several "super-powers" that other wild animals do not have. Read on to discover why raccoons can not just survive but thrive in urban environments!
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7 Strange & Bizarre Animal Adaptations

January 17, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
Nature is harsh, so animals must find strange & bizarre ways in order to adapt. In today's post we cover 7 of the strangest & most bizarre animal adaptations, such as the ability to freeze solid, create a mucus membrane, or change their skin's color!
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Why do we find animals to be so cute?

January 10, 2020 - by Wildlife x Team
It’s no secret that most people find many types of animals irresistibly cute. Human favorites include cats & dogs, which are now so common. According to a U.S. study, ⅔ American homes have some type of pet! Why is it that we find animals to be so adorable, such so that we go out of our way to domesticate and take care of them?
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Cats are so cute, how you can you not love them? As cute as cats may be, they do cause several problems to natural biodiversity in nature. For example, they are not native to North America, yet kill billions of birds & small animals every year. Cats provide a unique moral challenge in the sense that by saving street cats we are effectively killing more wild birds & other creatures.
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How To Prevent Bug Infestation

December 30, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that there are an estimated 10 quintillion insects on Earth? That’s 10 followed by 18 zeros, a huge number! There are far more insects than there are humans, and they want the exact same things we want: food, water, shelter, and warmth. Our homes are perfect for providing that to us, and so it is for insects as well. With so many insects in the world, infestation is c...
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Meet the Immortal Jellyfish

December 20, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
How would you like to avoid aging, and potentially even live forever?  Immortality was once a topic of science fiction, but nature has shown us that even immortality can naturally exist in the world.  A few “biologically immortal” creatures have now been discovered, the most popular of which is the “Immortal Jellyfish.” 
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How Winter Affects Wild Animals

December 13, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
When the temperatures start to cool down, we start to turn our heaters on, put on the extra layers, and spend a bit more time indoors away from the freezing cold.  Where do wild animals go in the Winter? What happens to insects?  Many people have their guesses, but few know certainly what happens to all that wildlife in Winter. 
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How Animals Adapt to Cities

December 06, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
For the entirety of existence wildlife has thrived in nature without our modern cities. The sudden expansion of humanity has certainly done a number on many wild creatures, and it’s completely changing the ecosystem of Earth itself! While some animals have suffered as a result of human expansion, other creatures have adapted rapidly to urban environments, and new species have in fact ...
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What if We Killed All the Bugs?

December 02, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
What if we killed all the bugs? Insects are some of the most annoying pests on our planet! Some bugs & insects such as wasps, hornets, and bees can sting you, and to some people those stings can be deadly. Even if you aren't allergic to those insects, other pests such as ants may be infesting your home without you even realizing it. Find out now what would happen if we killed all bu...
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Are We Alone in the Universe

November 22, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Are we alone in the Universe, or does alien life exist somewhere? In today's post we cover the possibility of alien life existing on another planets, and what this might mean for us.
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Are geckos dangerous or harmful if they infest your home?  To people who have never seen geckos before, they may be a bit surprised when they finally see one crawling on their walls or outside somewhere.  They look quite strange, and even people living in regions natural to reptiles like geckos they can be a little shock.  In today's blog post we cover whether geckos are truly dang...
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7 Strange Creatures You Never Heard Of

November 08, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
There are some strange & weird wild creatures on Earth, but some of them are particularly strange for various reasons. Here are 7 of the strangest & weirdest wild creatures that you've probably never heard of before!
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Ant Super-colonies are Taking Over the GLobe

October 31, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
In the past thousand years, human populations have exploded- we’ve now taken over all the continents, and have even reached the moon! There’s nowhere on earth we can’t live if we put our collective minds to it.  “Back in the day” more wars were fought, as warfare was seen as a better method to getting the resources you need. These days we are (generally) more civilized, working to...
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5 Ways To Show Love To Your Pet

October 29, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Do you love your pet? Of course you care for them! Whether you own a cat, dog, or other animal this guide will give you 5 ways you can show love to your pets.
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The Rodent Destroying American Wildlife (the Nutria)

October 25, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
What if we told you a pest existed capable of destroying American infrastructure, wildlife, roadways, and even collapsing homes? In fact, a creature so dangerous to United States natural wildlife that some government agencies have literally encouraged people to hunt and kill this pest? Believe it or not, this pest exists, and it’s called “The Gnasher” Nutria, or Myocaster Coypus. ...
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Where Do Wild Animals Go in the Winter?

October 18, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Where do wild animals go in the Winter? The answer might surprise you, as it is often inside your home- too! Wild animals often infest people's homes via the attic, in between the walls, or other secret areas.
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How Wildlife x Team Helps People & Animals

October 04, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Wildlife x Team International is located across the United States of America and assists in catching & relocating animals including bats, snakes, rats, mice, bobcats, raccoons, birds, and more! Wildlife causes a TON of damage. The animals will tear up and destroy all parts of your home. Find out how we help remove animals safely & responsibly.
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5 Longest Living Animals on Earth

September 20, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Do you wish you could live forever, or at least a very long time, but you’re stuck being a human with an average lifespan of only 79 years? Well here are some wild creatures that you should try re-spawn as in the next life. These animals can live a really, really long time- potentially even forever! Here are 5 of the longest living creatures on planet Earth:
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These are the Largest Insects on Earth

September 13, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Insects can be some of the most terrifying creatures on Earth. In fact, little kids report that they are more terrified of spiders than they are of being kidnapped! The age of giant insects before humans has long passed, though there are still some large insects today. Whether you are fascinated by insects or terrified of them, you are certain to learn something new today. These are the...
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Scariest Shark Attacks in History

September 06, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Ever since Jaws, everyone has been terrified of sharks and dozens of movies have been made to try to recreate the fear and excitement created in the first original shark horror movie. While real shark attacks aren’t common, as in you’re 37 times more likely to die from a coconut, they still do happen. Here are some of the most terrifying shark attacks on Earth.
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Why Do Spiders Scare You?

August 30, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that about 1 in 10 people have a phobia, and about 40% of those phobias are related to insects, mice, snakes, and bats? There are a lot of insects all around the world. It is estimated that there are 1 million spiders per acre of land alone, and in tropical areas this number can get as high as 3 million spiders per acre of land. Despite spiders usually not being so deadly a...
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Does Life Exist on Jupiter's Moon Europa?

August 23, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Europa, a frozen moon around Jupiter, could be one of the most habitable worlds in the solar system besides Earth. It was first imaged in detail by the Voyager 1 probe in 1979, revealing a large surface almost devoid of craters- this suggests that water regularly floods up from inside.  It wasn’t until the late 1990’s that Europa really got interesting. The Galileo mission found evidenc...
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Why You're Afraid of Snakes, According to Science

August 16, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
For most people the idea of a slithery snake sneaking up on them is absolutely terrifying. This even includes people who have never even seen a snake in real life- they’re afraid of just the thought/image of snakes! The fear of snakes is one of the most common phobias in the entire world, despite the fact that many people who are afraid of snakes have never seen them or are not around v...
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Bees vs Wasps vs Hornets: What's the Difference?

August 10, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
What is the difference between wasps, bees, and hornets? In today's blog post we break down the differences between the three and what its importance is to you.
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Dolphin's Dark Side Uncovered: The Shocking Truth

August 02, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
What if dolphins aren't the cute, wonderful creatures of the Sea we imagined them to be? In fact, dolphins may be much darker than we could've ever imagined...
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What if we eradicated all insects?

July 26, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Insects can be some of the most annoying creatures on earth. No one enjoys the feeling of an ant crawling up on them, or scratching a mosquito bite. In our previous blog posts & videos we’ve talked about how mosquitoes are the deadliest creatures in the world, spreading malaria and other deadly diseases via blood transmission. Other insects such as wasps & bees sting us, killing some vi...
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What if insect populations tripled?

July 12, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
There are so many insects already in the world. 400 to 800 million tons of insects and other pests alone are eaten by spiders. In fact, spiders eat at least 72.5 billion mosquitoes alone every single year. Insects are some of the greatest and worst things for humanities. In some ways they help us, such as by pollinating flowers & producing honey for us. In other ways they are horrible. Mo...
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9 Signs Your Pet Needs a Vet

July 04, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Your dog, cat, or other pet is part of the family- but unlike other humans they can’t communicate so clearly to us. So that you can best take care of your pet, here are 9 signs that they might need the vet. This applies to cats, dogs, and other pets such as birds and rats!
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Animals of Chernobyl: Meet the Mutants

June 28, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
On April 26, 1986 humanity’s greatest nuclear accident occurred: the Chernobyl incident. Approximately 68 billion dollars in damages was incurred, and thousands of lives were lost as a direct result of radiation over the years. Almost everything that remained in the radioactive zone died within 6 months. To this day projects are still working to monitor the region and prevent more radia...
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This Spider Could Save Your Life

June 21, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
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How To Treat an Animal Bite. This is the definitive guide on what you should do after getting bit by a wild animal, or after getting bit by your pet.
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The Most Human-like Animals Revealed

May 31, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Which animals act the most like us humans? Which creatures have the closest behavior or DNA to us humans? We humans are a unique species unlike a lot of the other wildlife, but we are not alone in traits previously thought to be exclusively human. Some animals are quite like us, and if they were just a bit more intelligent they could be more human in behavior than you could've imagined!...
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#1 Deadliest Creature on Earth

May 29, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that the deadliest creature on Earth is more deadly than bees, crocodiles, bears, and raccoons combined? This creature sure knows how to wipe us out, along with wild animals as well! In fact the 2nd most deadly creature on Earth doesn’t even come close to just how deadly this #1 creature is. This creature has caused so much damage and trouble to us, and it’s extremely diffic...
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What To Do If You Find an Injured Wild Animal

May 23, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
You’re hiking around, driving, or going about your day when suddenly you find an injured animal. It could be a wounded bird, a partially run-over small animal, or just appear injured. Before you do anything- STOP. This is the ultimate guide for what to do if you find an injured wild animal.
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Stop Feeding Squirrels- Here's why

May 17, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Squirrels are the famous cute little animals found in parks all across America. Did you know that squirrels were intentionally placed in man-made parks? They are generally not aggressive (unless cornered or infesting your home) which makes them great to have in the trees. Recently some squirrels have increased in their aggression and became more fearless of humans- why is this happening? ...
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Facts about Stinging Insects

May 03, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Facts about Stinging Insects- Stinging insects include all insects which have the capacity to sting. This commonly brings to mind the wasp or honeybee, but also includes other stinging insects such as fire ants which sting with toxic venom. This post includes several fun facts about stinging insects such as how to avoid them, deal with them, and more!
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What are the 9 Jobs in a Beehive?

April 26, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
There are 9 main roles that you can have as a newly born bee, and you will likely switch roles as they age. Most bees will start out at the top of this list, and then they’ll slowly move down with a few exceptions. Did you know that there are 100 female bees to 1 male bee? The majority of these bees are all females, excluding the last, which are “male drone bees.” The video version ...
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Which Animal is Most Likely To Bite?

April 22, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Can you guess what creature is most likely to bite us when we’re working out in the field? Is it snakes, raccoons, or even alligators? The answer will surprise you.
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7 Most Dangerous Insects on Earth

April 12, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know there are at least 1 million insect species, and potentially several more we don’t even know about? There are countless insects in the world, too many for any human to ever count! The majority of insects are not harmful to humans, but a few can be quite dangerous and have earned quite the bad reputation among us- for good reason. In today’s blog post we’ll share with yo...
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How Dangerous are Rodents?

March 29, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Did you know that rodents contaminate 20% of the world's food supply, and that 37% of Americans will experience a rodent problem sometime during their life? While cute and small, rodents can actually cause quite the problems fo rus.
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Shocking & Crazy Wildlife x Team Stories

March 22, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
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How To Cure Allergies (One Method)

March 15, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Do you suffer from allergies? Are you wondering why you get the couch, red eyes, or sneeze? The answer might surprise you, and the cure might be more simple than you realize! In today's post we cover one method of removing allergies.
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Why Wasps Attack

February 15, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Wasps, and others similar such as bees, can be annoying pests! In fact, Michael with Wildlife x Team was attacked by over 30 wasps last summer for no reason! Click HERE to check that out. This made us wonder: why do wasps attack? What encourages these annoying pests to go out of their way to sting & bite you? The answers we found were more than just the typical “don’t attack the hive...
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#1 Deadliest Animal in USA

February 06, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
Do you think you know what the #1 deadliest animal in USA is? The answer might shock you. Before reading further, write down your guess right now. Do you think it is crocodiles, or bears, or killer bees? Write down your guess to see if you get it right! We recommend you watch the video version of this post, by clicking HERE now. How Deadly Is It? This #1 deadliest animal in North Am...
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7 Most Dangerous Wildlife Animals

February 01, 2019 - by Wildlife x Team
The United States of America is for the most part safe when it comes to wildlife creatures. Unlike dealing with the dangers in Africa & South America, North America is generally safe for hiking. That being said, there are still occasional deaths that occur as a result of wildlife! These are the 7 most dangerous wildlife creatures in the United States you should keep an eye out for.
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How To Remove a Dead Animal From Your Home

December 14, 2018 - by Wildlife x Team
How To Remove a Dead Animal From Your Home- in today's post we cover how to remove a dead animal from your home.
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10 Fascinating Squirrel Facts You Didn't Know Before

June 15, 2018 - by Wildlife X Team International
Squirrels are small, adorable creatures that can be found in parks all across the United States of America. They provide free entertainment for those relaxing in parks, ​​and quite often can be silly creatures. In today's post, we are going to go over 10 fascinating squirrel facts you probably didn't know before....
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What To Do if a Raccoon Attacks You

June 01, 2018 - by Wildlife X Team International
Raccoons are small, cute-looking creatures that can be quite aggressive or defensive. They are instinctively curious & explorative, and almost as smart as apes! This means they are smarter than dogs. Many urban raccoons are used to human presence, and will not interfere with you. Other raccoons will hiss at you, but...
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4 Signs a Raccoon is RABID Revealed

August 18, 2017 - by Wildlife X Team International
Rabies is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain in mammals, including humans. It is a highly lethal disease; death usually follows within hours of the first symptoms appearing. Check our YouTube version by clicking here. Raccoons & Rabies In some states, raccoons are a "rabies vector species" (RVS). A...
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How To Easily Keep Skunks Away From Your Home and Yard

August 11, 2017 - by Wildlife X Team International
It's a good idea to keep skunks away from your home and yard. Skunks can create holes in your yard, burn your skin, cause temporary blindness, and make your pets sick. These cute-looking nocturnal creatures pack quite the punch if they feel threatened. Not to mention, their potent smell is hard to get out! The best st...
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