Keep Skunks Away Once & For All

It's a good idea to keep skunks away from your home and yard. Skunks can create holes in your yard, burn your skin, cause temporary blindness, and make your pets sick. These cute-looking nocturnal creatures pack quite the punch if they feel threatened. Not to mention, their potent smell is hard to get out! 

The best strategy with skunks is to prevent the damage long before it happens. That's why we've put together this brief guide for you.

We recommend watching the video version of this post, complete with cute skunk footage. Click HERE to watch it now. 

You can also click the podcast widget above to download the podcast! 

Tip #1- Lights to Keep Skunks Away

Leave your outdoor lights on. Skunks are nocturnal and will avoid and keep away from bright areas. You can also purchase a motion-activated light, which may also discourage burglars from breaking into your home.

Tip #2- Holes are a Skunks Best Friend

Skunks are instinctively attracted to tight spaces in search of food. Seal up the holes and clutter around your home so a nearby skunk does not become curious.

Tip #3- Seal Trash + Food to Help Get Rid of Skunks

Skunks have a sense of smell much more powerful than humans, so make sure you do not leave any food, water, or open trash out. They will eat just about anything, including your trash. 

Tip #4- Motion-Activated Sprinklers to Keep Skunks Away

This trick is a bit more pricy, but will also help dissuade any other intruders if your home is often infested with wildlife or in a high-crime area. The sprinklers will scare away skunks among other people and creatures.


Tip #5- Fences + Traps for Skunk Removal

Fences are great for keeping out wildlife, as long as it's buried deep in the ground and at least 4 feet high. Otherwise skunks can climb over or under the fence. 

Be careful with traps. Double check the rules and regulations of your area, and only use non-threatening skunk traps. Any traps that could potentially harm the skunk may cause the skunk to release his painful mix of sulfurous oils, defeating the whole purpose of prevention. Anyways, hurting a skunk even on your property is most likely legal. 


Always be safe when it comes to dealing with skunks. Their special weapon (a mix of sulfurous oils) can cause minor damage, and simply smells bad. Be ethical and don't attack skunks if they do enter your area.

If you think that you have a wildlife or pest infestation problem, give us a call at 855-WILDLIFE or visit for more information and a free inspection report! 

-Wildlife X Team International​​​






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